Am 07.09.2017 um 19:00 Uhr
GOD Part of Hyand GmbH im TRAFO Hub  ·  Sophienstraße 40 ·  38118 Braunschweig
Speaker: Mark Paluch

Contexts and Dependency Injection has become an integral part of Java to leverage dependency injection and bean management aside of EJB. The current CDI 1.2 is widely used amongst Java Enterprise 7 applications. The Expert Group formed in Fall 2014 to work on the next version of the specification and released the CDI 2.0 spec in early 2017, which will be part of Java Enterprise 8.

You will learn about some of the upcoming highlights such as asynchronous events or how to boot CDI with JavaSE. These features are already part of the draft release. You will get an overview of the changes, the Java 8 support, and how to apply the new features in your application. This is the right session for you if you are already a CDI user or want to become one and those that are interested in the progress of JSR 365 to build first class citizen CDI applications.

Mark is a Software Craftsman working as Spring Data Engineer at Pivotal, and CDI 2.0 (JSR365) EG member. He works on MongoDB, Redis, and Apache Cassandra modules and he is project lead of the Lettuce Redis driver. Mark is passionate about hardware tinkering and always interested in JVM performance.

Auch wenn der Abstract auf Englisch ist, hält Mark den Vortrag für uns sicherlich auf Deutsch.

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