Am 19.07.2018 um 19:00 Uhr
GOD Part of Hyand GmbH im TRAFO Hub  ·  Sophienstraße 40 ·  38118 Braunschweig
Speaker: Amitai Schleier

Der ursprünglich angekündigte Vortrag von Michael Plöd “Bessere Präsentationen für Entwickler und Architekten” muss leider entfallen. Glücklicherweise konnten wir kurzfristig Amitai Schleier für einen Vortrag gewinnen:

The talk will be given in English.

Gilded Rose is an exercise in living with legacy code. Using mob programming, we’ll work together as safely and quickly as we can, then discuss what we’ve learned.

Amitai Schleier (@schmonz) is a software development coach, legacy code wrestler, non-award- winning musician, and award-winning bad poet. He publishes fixed-length micropodcasts at Agile in 3 Minutes, writes variable-length articles at, and contributes code and direction to notable open-source projects such as NetBSD, pkgsrc, ikiwiki, and qmail. Amitai’s ideas, prose, music, and puns have manifested at Agile Roots, Agile for Humans, CodeMash, Self.conference, pkgsrcCon, Pittsburgh Perl Workshop, NYCBUG, the International Rachmaninoff Conference, and the Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest.





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